Cole had an appointment with his Early Intervention Specialist last week and she was very happy to see he was talking and walking more than her last visit. She said he's doing very well, but she is concerned that he isn't able to hold his attention long enough for age appropriate tasks for his corrected age. For example, he should be able to understand the task of stacking blocks and knocking them over. We will be watching this closely and including goals around tasks like this when we rewrite his goals next month. I asked if she thought this was an indication of an ADHD type disorder, but she thinks it's more likely a cognitive processing problem related to the brain bleed. Given he has made leaps and bounds this month in his cognitive development, we are hopeful that we will see improvement in this area.
Reagan met with her Neurologist today but the computer system was down so the doctor wasn't able to reference her EEG or MRI to discuss her prognosis. Although frustrating, it will most likely be time that will determine how she's going to do long term. She is currently 32 pounds and is able to be on the current level of Trileptol until about 45 pounds. Dr. Pearl said he will not be surprised if we need to increase her medication, however, well before she reaches that weight. We scheduled another appointment with him in January (6 months). Dr. Pearl ordered labs to be done to test Reagan's blood for any negative affects of the medication. Unfortunately we weren't able to do that today so we will try to schedule them when we go back for Cole's appointment in August to see his neurologist, Dr. Lavenstein. We will meet with Reagan's Neurosurgeon in early August and plan to discuss her MRI in more depth at that appointment. We are hoping to learn more about the "lesions" seen on the MRI and what that will mean for treatment. Unfortunately we recently learned Dr. Yaun is moving to OK to lead the neurosurgery department for Children's Hospital. This is an well deserved promotion for her, but she will be greatly missed. She currently doesn't have a replacement so we are investigating different options for Reagan's ongoing care.
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