We decided to visit a neurological opthamologist, Dr. Avery from Children's National Medical Center. He was very knowledgeable and we are very happy we took the time to see him. He is very familiar with Dr. Jeffery and was glad to hear we are under her care. He agrees with her current direction and clarified the difference for us between a neuro optho and a traditional optho. His focus is on neurological reasons for vision issues, like a tumor constricting the optic nerves. He does not prescribe glasses or do the surgeries that Dr. Jeffery said may be in our future. He said he is interested in joining Team Colton but that we may choose to see him yearly, every other year or if we are considering surgery to get his second opinion. He did recommend we start Cole in school in the Fall and start to research vision services such as the Virginia School for the Blind. He also recommended a vision treatment center in Bethesda which I have called to see if they take patients as young as Cole for vision rehabilition. He said he does not agree with vision therapy so we are trying to find the line between the two and determine if we want to start those services.

Reagan also had a busy couple weeks. We have been talking about putting her in a restraint camp but haven't found one for her age. Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) is a therapy designed to specifically treat “learned non-use” of the affected arm as a result of stroke, cerebral palsy, or brachial plexus injuries. CIMT involves using a cast to constrain the dominant arm while providing simultaneous intensive practice of movements in the hemiplegic arm. We had the cast made this week and the therapist will add a fleece liner and velcro closures. We will be able to pick up the cast next week and are hoping we can convince Reagan she has not one but TWO super gloves ;) It's all about the spin right?!

She also had her first experience with Build A Bear. We went with my friend Lisa and her two children, Kaitlin and Evan and my nieces Emily and Allison. Clarice is her new best friend and goes with her everywhere. She had a great time and is already talking about going back to get Rudolph!