Wow, I can't believe how behind I am in journaling! I have been very busy with a contract with Boeing that is taking all my time. It's almost Thanksgiving and I haven't even posted pictures of Halloween yet!

The kids had a fun Halloween dressed as Rosetta (Tinker Bell's Garden Fairy friend) and Captain Hook. They went trick-or-treating with dad on our street and then came back to hand out candy. Reagan loved commenting on everyone's costumes and giving them candy.
We've had a fun month with both kids taking swimming class at the Tom Dolan Swim school. They think it's a lot of fun and wish we could go every day. They are both becoming more confident in the water so we are achieving our core objective! Reagan was evaluated last week for a potential move to the next level but we are going to wait a little while. Although they like being in class together, I think they may pay attention a little better if they had separate classes.

Reagan continues to take horse back riding classes. Unfortunately she had her first fall last week. She was a trooper, though, and got back up on the horse to finish out her lesson. She had a great class yesterday and really enjoys it. Cupcake is her favorite pony but she also rides Max.

Reagan was also fitted for a new orthotic for her leg at the low-low price of $887. We went to Orthotic Solutions and Reagan got to pick the colors. Because it's a custom fit, they make a cast mold and then we go back to pick it up next week. We also had an appointment with a representative from Bioness to re-evaluate Reagan for electrical stimulation. This would replace the custom orthotic but would be more proactive in nature. The goal is to rebuild the connections in her brain so long-term she doesn't have to wear a brace. The doctor and Bioness rep both felt Reagan is an excellent candidate and it worked well, but Reagan was not tolerating it very well. It essentially sends a shock to her leg every time she picks up her foot which triggers her brain to lift her toe (so she doesn't trip on it). As a team we decided to move forward with determining if insurance will cover it but may need to wait until she is able to tolerate the device. It could take up to a year to work through the Medical Review Board at AETNA to get authorization since it's about $5,000. We are hoping by that time she may be ready for it.