Monday, July 27th
Reagan went to therapy at the regular time Monday and had the entire therapy team to her self! Jaryn

Tuesday, July 28th
We spent the majority of the day Tuesday at the hospital with Cole. Once discharged we went to pick Reagan up from therapy. Tuesday they did a neat art project where she had to squeeze eye droppers with color die and oil to make a picture. They also experimented with holding a tray and tilting it different directions to get the die/oil combination to run across the paper. Both were super difficult, but it was a fun experiment. They also made playdoh on Tuesday. Honestly we drove straight to get her after being discharged from the hospital with Cole so that is all I remember from the debrief at the end of the day…sorry I don't have more.
Wednesday, July 29th
On Wednesday I dropped Reagan off for therapy at the aquatic center at Kenned Krieger. Not only did they play games in the pool, but therapy also included self care. It is very difficult for Reagan to bathe her right side and to wash and brush her hair with one hand. So they worked on bathing and dressing after swimming to strengthen her left hand to do those activities. The pool they have is SO COOL! It has a moveable floor that allows the therapist to modify the depth of the pool (by moving the floor up and down) based on the height of the kids in the therapy session and what they are trying to accomplish. They also played Connect Four, although she was very upset that Jaryn always wins. Looks like we may need to practice this over the weekend! Competitive? Me? No way…

Since therapy on Wednesday is only 1/2 day, we decided to head to the Maryland Science Center and Planetarium after therapy. I wasn't sure how much would be age appropriate for them, but we had a great time! The presentation on Pluto in the Planetarium was excellent and very informative. Given it was a dark room and had well lit stars/planets, Cole was able to watch the entire show. The dinosaur exhibit was very cool and the bed of nails that Reagan laid on was intriguing! The center is definitely geared toward slightly older kids, but we had a great time and will definitely be back.
Thursday, July 30th
Thursday was a busy day! We dropped Reagan off at 9am and ran by the pharmacy to pick up the magnesium citrate that the pediatrician said we need for Cole. Then we had an appointment at the National Federation of the Blind to learn more about what technology is available for Cole. Our visit, while insightful, was very difficult. Their recommendation is to teach him braille almost exclusively since learning print is much easier and could be picked up later. There are a lot of very cool technologies such the Braille Note by HumanWare or the TOPAZ by Freedom Scientific which has a four hour battery life. One recommendation that they did suggest was having a National Reading Media Assessment to determine not only how well he reads but also what type of learner he is (visual, auditory, etc). I made some amazing connections and learned about some great parent groups. I also learned about a Braille Enrichment Literacy and Learning (BELL) program for learning braille. They run this program for 2 weeks every summer and have a location in Arlington. It may be something we will consider for next summer. Unfortunately we missed the one this summer. It was a great visit, but truthfully I'm a little overwhelmed with the sheer volume of new information that needs to be considered and the big decisions that need to be made. I purchased several books and plan to start reading them in preparation for meetings with the school that will need to be scheduled in September.
After the visit with the NFB we headed back to the hotel to get Cole started on Operation Clean Out. We were anxious to get this started in the hopes that we would be able to make it to his 2:30pm Occupational Therapy session with Emily. After dropping off Cole we went to pick up Reagan. She had a great day of therapy. They went duck pin bowling, made beaded sun catchers and played games. After getting Reagan we headed back to pick up Cole and then headed back to the hotel to finish Operation Clean Out.
Friday, July 31st

She's now half way through the cast part of therapy and she's counting down the days…literally. Overall it's going very well, although our homework got longer for this weekend. No rest for the weary! Unfortunately Cole isn't making very much progress on Operation Clean Out. We have two more days of the higher Mirilax dose and hope we start to see relief by Monday. I was able to make a neurosurgery appointment for next Friday to follow up and review the MRI/x-ray results with our neurosurgeon. Apparently the stage coach will not be able to reach their office before next Friday so although millions of dollars have been invested in Electronic Medical Records, I will be tracking down the medical records office in the basement of some building at Hopkins on Monday so I can hand carry the CD to the doctor to review…while I'm sitting in the room. Archaic and inefficient don't come close to describing my feelings of this process. Luckily I am "living" in Baltimore so it won't be too problematic to try to pick up.