Visit to the Physiatrist
I am happy to say it has been a very slow year for doctor's appointments. I'm intentionally cutting back the number of appointments and just choosing to space them out more. So far this hasn't gotten us into trouble and it really feels good. Cole is still doing weekly occupational therapy and weekly music therapy, but just cutting back the doctor's appointments has been helpful in feeling more normal.
We had a good visit with Dr. Morozova although Reagan was hopeful the doctor would say that since she hasn't been falling she no longer needed to wear the leg brace. Unfortunately that was not the case and she feels strongly that Reagan needs to continue to wear it to prevent her leg getting tighter. She was very happy to hear how well she was doing in all her activities and agreed that for now she is ok without occupational therapy since she has so many extracurricular activities. We've talked about having Reagan participate in the bi-manual therapy camp at Columbia University in NYC next summer but she said she's not convinced it will be worth the time and money (it's extremely expensive) over and above the activities we have her doing now. We decided to discuss in more detail at our next appointment in six months.
Piano Trial was a Hit!

In addition to Music Therapy through A Child's Place, Cole has been taking music lessons from a school music teacher in Leesburg. He has really enjoyed the sessions and is making great progress in understanding music concepts and rhythm. Reagan has been going with me to these sessions and started asking when she would be able to take lessons so I spoke with Jessica and we set up a trial lesson after Cole's last week. I was worried about her getting discouraged with her left hand but she did GREAT! Jessica thinks she is ready to try it and she is willing to teach right hand only if necessary but will plan to encourage the left hand to at least start to try to play the keys. We are super excited that she's interested in this since it is the last of the three things the neurosurgeon suggested we try with her when she was diagnosed with left sided hemiplegia and Cerebral Palsy after her surgery. We plan to start lessons and I can't wait to give updates! Next up...getting a piano!
Hershey Park

Between the beach and camp this week we had a week off to decompress and have a schedule-less week. The kids decided it would be fun to go to Hershey Park and we did! We went with my friend Lisa and her kids and they had a blast. Reagan was finally a Hershey bar and was so excited to be able to ride the big roller coasters! And Cole was absolutely satisfied to stick with the Reese's rides. The park was so empty we were able to ride the swings (while waiting for Reagan to go on the Comet) four times in a row without getting off! My favorite part of the day was when we decided to go on the log ride and it was the first time Cole had gone on any type of roller coaster where it goes up and up and up. As we were going up he looked over and said, "Hey mom, if we have to go up this much does that mean we have to go down next?" SO cute. Yup! He loved it and said it was his favorite part of the day "landing in the water city down below."
The Tooth Fairy has been Busy!

In addition to all this fun, Cole also lost his first tooth on July 23rd, 2016! He was so super excited - the first thing he said was, "it's like having a tunnel in my mouth." Although he was very confused about the chain of events. He went to bed and kept saying, "she hasn't come yet". Then he wanted to know how long she was going to stay. And although Reagan was set to have her tooth pulled right after his, she was too nervous after seeing the blood in Cole's mouth. Needless to say, it was the first thing she asked her daddy to do the next morning and just like that, she lost tooth #5 on July 24th, 2016.

And as if I needed MORE on my plate, I had a weak moment that has cost me dearly. We were purchasing mulch one day a few months back and Reagan asked if she could buy some fairy dust they were selling at the nursery. At the time I thought, ok, no big deal. We'll sprinkle it on the rose bush her grandmother gave her last year and it will make the Garden Fairy take extra special care of it. true Danielle style I suggested we get a fairy house. What Was I THINKING? So it has taken months (mostly due to procrastination) but we finally put together the house, yard, mailbox, flagpole and bench. She wrote a note to the tooth fairy and let her know that she can move in there when she comes to pick up her tooth. Unfortunately, she now expects this fairy dust to actually make a garden grow around the house. When we got back from running an errand today she said, "Oh no, our dust didn't work!" When I asked why she reminded me that flowers should be growing. As if our Christmas elf isn't enough, we now have a fairy moving in. But I know Reagan will be excited to find flowers and a note from her fairy when she gets up in the morning. The things we do for kids!!