Dr. Lavenstein. Each year she gets one night where she gets to stay up late with dad, going to Walmart or staying up late watching a movie. Then she gets up with mom four hours later and we run to Dunkin Donuts. It's become a Spring tradition that she actually looks forward to. She knows the drill, knows what will be expected of her and she is probably the easiest patient they have there all day. We are so blessed she understands what is being done and can follow instructions.
Those dedicated followers on our journey know that each Spring
we get our hopes up that perhaps the epileptic activity has slowed and we could consider taking Reagan off her seizure medications. Unfortunately she continues to show significant spikes in her sleep deprived EEG which would be indicative of seizures if she wasn't medicated. As high as 10-15 per minute even during sleep.
Our appointment with Dr. Lavenstein went well and as expected given these results. He said she is looking great and doing well and we shouldn't be discouraged. It's so hard not to, though. Not only did he not want to take her off the meds, he increased them due to her weight gain from last year. On the up side, he decided he only needs to see her yearly now. One less drive to Fairfax!! And so we stay the course and hold out hope that maybe next year we will be the magic year that her brain settles down. But we are always thankful that her seizures CAN be controlled - we definitely don't take that for granted.

It's amazing that it's JUNE! Wow, no clue where the year went, but it will wrap up before we know it! A few more posts before then since I'm a little behind....