Reagan started school today! We received her pre-K schedule last week but it wasn't exactly what we expected. Last year Reagan was in Ms. Torry's class on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with private therapy on Monday and Wednesday. This year she is in Ms. Carolann's class Monday, Wednesday and Friday and we are trying to move her therapy to Tuesday and Thursday. It's not an easy feat when some kids stay with the same therapist for 10 or 15 years. We went to the Open House Friday and are very excited about her new classroom. She is the only girl with 10 boys! There are four other children with Cerebral Palsy in her class and we talked to her about why some children need wheelchairs before her first day of school today since two of the boys are in wheelchairs. She was excited to go to school this morning and had a great time. Ms. Carolann said she quickly became friends with Raphael (one of the boys in the wheelchair) and although she didn't talk much about her day, she seems excited to go back on Wednesday.

We've had a busy week. Cole also had his monthly visit from Heather from Early Intervention. She was very happy to see his progress and we have a few new activities to work on this month. He has been eating very well, walking around more confidently, and he continues to learn new words every day.

We also supported Macy's Shop for a Cause event at Fair Oaks Mall Saturday. The promotion gave shoppers the option to purchase a $5 coupon giving them 25% off all their purchases. 100% of the coupon price was donated to the March of Dimes. We were honored to be invited to share our story. Reagan drew pictures for several of the people on the sales team who raised money. Evelyn (holding the picture) had the top sales and was born at 25 weeks. With each event we support we get better at sharing our story and helping others understand the journey of a premature baby. Someone said, "I had no idea a two pound baby was the size of a Chipotle burrito or that a baby that small could live. He looks so good." Although each experience is a difficult remembrance of our past, they remind us how far Cole has come. Not a day goes by that I don't marvel at the new things he learns and wonder how we are so blessed.
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