The Bischoff family took a much needed trip to the beach this week! We were blessed with amazing weather that made the vacation absolutely perfect. We rented a beautiful house in Rehoboth, DE with several friends - the Golino's, Solomon's and Coullahan's. With 8 adults, a four year old, two three year olds, an almost 2 year old and 3 infants it was definitely a week filled with activity!

We spent our time on the beach, going for walks on the boardwalk, fishing, painting ceramics and shopping at the outlets. Reagan spent the week with Abby and Emma, her two BFFs (best friends forever). Although like most 3 years olds she had a little trouble sharing sometimes, she thought it was pretty neat getting to sleep with them every night. On the second night I was putting her to bed and she said, "mommy, who's house is this?" I tried to explain the house is like a hotel and we're just borrowing it for the week. On our drive home today she said, "mommy, do we have to go to our house now?" When I said yes, she started crying and said, "why can't we borrow that other house?" So cute to see how kids think!

Reagan had a great time painting ceramics. After she picked Mickey Mouse I promptly showed her the one already painted to help her know what to do. When the store manager took her to pick colors she said she wanted to paint Mickey orange. After telling Reagan that Mickey is red and black I got a nasty glare from the store manager who looked at Reagan and said, "honey, this is YOUR project. You pick whatever colors you want." Although slightly taken off guard, the project quickly became a very good exercise in letting go. She had a great time, did a great job and is very proud of her piece that is displayed on our mantel at home.
I try to remind myself that I am going to blink and my children are going to be grown and gone. I try to take mental pictures to slow life down but haven't found it works. Although hard to return to the daily grind, we are glad to be back at home where there isn't sand on the floor and we look forward to being back in a routine that includes nap time again! We are gearing up for a busy week with three therapy appointments and a neurology appointment next week.
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