What a great week! We are finally getting accustom to the routine and expectations are helping everything work a little more smoothly. Not to mention, Reagan actually had an < almost > normal slept schedule this week and it made a big difference. We were also reminded by the therapy team that it is extremely exhausting for kids to use their non dominant hand since it takes a lot more mental energy to send the signals from the brain to the muscle. Nothing is automatic with their weaker side, so it's much more tiring to do everything. [Just a reminder - you can click on any of the pictures to view them larger.]
Day 7

We had a great day on Tuesday. Reagan always loves starting with riding the trike. She also played a fun game called Cranium. Ms. Ruth was especially working with grasp and release and pronating Reagan's wrist. Reagan put the balls in the top of the game, drew a card, turned it over and used a key to open the door that matches the card. This game was a big hit and we played it several times. We also played "sink or float" with the balls in the water (also practicing grasp and release) because wet activities are often more difficult because they are slippery. Reagan also practiced putting shaving cream on the mirror, writing in it, spraying it down and then wiping it off. This gives her practice opening and manipulating her fingers, squeezing the sprayer (strength activity) and reaching up high on the mirror to increase range of motion.
Day 8

Wednesday was a day all about fish! She played a game where she held a fishing pole and pretended the blue mats were the ocean. She was quick to point out that there was an issue with the fishing poles because they didn't have a working reel like hers at home. That's my girl! She had to steady the pole over the fish for the "hook" to magnetize to the fish. She also practiced cleaning shaving cream off the fish with Ms. Sue. After our therapy session we spent some extra time practicing on the trike by riding it down to the playroom and outside to see the beautiful flowers.

After therapy on Wednesday we had enough time to drive down to the Historic Charlottesville Downtown Mall and go to the Discovery Museum. Reagan had a blast practicing many lefty activities. There was a really cool tubing system where she pushed in a soft pompom and it got sucked into the tube and shot out the top. She loved playing with the well and putting the bucket on the hook and crank it up. She also played dress up, served me popcorn and mailed letters in the pretend post office. She especially liked to play the tube organ with the floppy paddle.
Day 9

Thursday was a tough therapy session. She started by riding the trike again and loved it so much that getting her off the bike was a huge fight....thus making any progress after that very difficult. All was not lost, however, as she did meet the monster! Ms. Sue would open the tennis ball's mouth and have Reagan pick up small objects and feed him. So clever! She also practiced putting the monsters in their "house" and washing them in shaving cream. After three weeks I finally captured an eating picture that I am willing to share. As I mentioned before, this is THE most difficult part of March Madness for Reagan. But she was VERY proud to come home and tell her daddy that she ate her yogurt by herself with lefty.
After bath she showed daddy all the pictures and talked about what she did during the week. When it was time for bed I took her to her room and we picked out her outfit for school the next day. As always, we picked out the cast bandage for the next day to match. She then asked if she could have the tube from the bandage - I often let lefty play with it after the roll is done. I told her she could have it Friday morning after we put on her cast. She looked up at me and said, "well maybe we could just put the cast on now." A little surprised, I reminded her that if we put the cast on that she would need to wear it to sleep. In a very matter-of-fact tone she said, "well that's ok mom, because it makes lefty stronger." And how could I argue with that?! What better way to know that she understands the CIT program than to hear her explain it. Although I do believe she sometimes repeats what she hears us tell her, I also believe she is starting to realize she can do more than she thought. I also believe that she is getting stronger and therefore is doing more than she could before.
We are excited about finishing the program next week, although it come with mixed emotions since we have seen so much progress in such a short period of time. And in usual Bischoff style, we are already thinking about the next one! One more week....
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