After several conversations with Cole's therapist and reinforcement from Reagan's therapist (and a friend who swears by it), we decided to try
kinesio taping for Cole's low tone. He came with us on Monday for Reagan's physical therapy session and the therapist applied the tape across his belly. There are numerous ways it can be applied for different issues, but generally it works by activating weak muscles and encouraging Cole to recognize and use the underdeveloped muscles. The tape is applied and left on for three to five days. It can be left on for baths and has to be removed with baby oil (it's extremely sticky). Although it has been used for several years, it became more widely used after the Beijing Olympics in 2008. I am so excited he hasn't been bothered by the tape - I was very worried it would irritate his skin or be scratchy. Only time will tell if it will help him correct his posture.
We left for UVA on Tuesday morning and were much more prepared this week. Dropping Cole off at my sister's was a little harder this week. Cole definitely knew what was coming and threw those little arms around my neck, stuck out his lower lip and the alligator tears started. But my niece Emily took it all in stride and got him playing with the bunny and turtle so he was distracted. It still breaks my heart to leave him, but I know this program is an amazing opportunity for Reagan and we're already half done! Cole had a great time this week at the Loudoun Valley Band Camp again and apparently is quite the ladies man with the high school girls!

I was feeling good about the week having gotten to Charlottesville early enough to check into the hotel and get organized. I packed lunch so we could relax there before heading to the rehab center. Reagan unpacked her "kids" in the hotel and we were off to therapy. Unfortunately, Reagan was very tired and our first hour was a disaster. Luckily Ms. Ruth and Ms. Judy didn't give up and turned things around so our day wasn't a total loss. Unfortunately, however, I have no pictures since she was doing much better when I wasn't in the room.

After our tough day, I decided we needed to have an early dinner and head back to the hotel to get into bed early. We were in bed with lights out by 7pm and she was asleep by 8:15pm. I was very hopeful this would mean a better mood for day 2 and I was right! We had a great day and she spent time watering plants, painting stencils on the pots she painted last week, and using stamps to make pictures for Daddy on an easel. All these activities are geared toward increasing the strength in her left hand. And best of all....drum roll please...Reagan has started pointing with her left index finger! Although it's not straight, she is able to isolate it somewhat. This is the first time Reagan has been able to manipulate this finger and it shows huge progress. She still isn't strong enough to push buttons with it, but being able to isolate it is definitely a first step.

I promised Reagan if she had a good day at therapy Wednesday I would take her back to the Bounce-N-Play. So we went straight there, ate a little lunch at the cafe and she played with some new friends until it was time for dinner. She was thoroughly exhausted but we still enjoyed dinner at a great Mexican restaurant. She even had the energy to dip her chips in the queso with lefty!

After such a successful day 2 I decided we needed a repeat of the bedtime routine. So we were back to the hotel and in bed by a little after 7pm and she was asleep just after 8pm. Luckily this made for an excellent day three! On day three Ms. Sue and Ms. Judy spent a lot of time with Reagan outside. The weather this week has been amazing! We decided to finish up our potting project and put dirt and plants in the newly painted pots. It always amazes me how we can turn every activity into therapy! From carrying the pots, scooping the dirt, watering the plants, to sweeping up our mess. Reagan had a great time and couldn't wait to show them to her Daddy. She also spent time hitting a birdie and balls with a badmitten racket. It was a great strengthening activity for her wrist and she did really well gripping the racket. We also brought out the shaving cream and mirror again. Reagan did a great job getting all her fingers out and drawing on the mirror. Needless to say we had a great week and look forward to going back on Tuesday. Although she still tries to convince me, "mom, I promise I'll do everything with lefty all day if you just don't put on the cast" she doesn't fight putting it on anymore and is prepared for the routine. She is still a little shy when people ask her about the cast, but the new leopard print has been a big hit! To give you an idea of how tired she has been, when we got home yesterday she actually asked me to put her in bed for a nap!
As many of you know, a butterfly in the NICU represents a baby who has lost a sibling. For 97 days while Cole was in the hospital we saw Kendall's butterfly by his name on the nursing assignment board. This has forever made butterflies very special in our family. When we arrived at therapy this morning we were greeted by a beautiful butterfly. A day doesn't go by that I don't wish Kendall was still with us. Reagan recently said, "hey mom, I wish I had a sister." With a deep breath I said, "me too honey." She doesn't understand yet, but one day she will. And knowing that our angel continues to visit us is a good reminder that Kendall is up in Heaven helping us through the hard days and reminding us to smile when our day seem very tough.
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