I can't believe Christmas has come and gone and now we're facing New Year's Eve! We had a wonderful Christmas opening toys in the morning in front of the fire place and enjoying a cup of coffee. This was the first year Reagan got really excited about Santa and even had a plan to ensure he could make it through the glass doors on the fire place. Cole wasn't quite as excited, but he was quick to follow her lead and excitement. The both had fun searching for their elf, Fred over the last month and opening the Advent calendar.

Reagan asked Santa for Pinkie Pie and Frost the Snowman. All Cole wanted this year was a taxi. Not sure where he was hoping to escape to, but he got his wish! Santa also brought a drum set and tractor for Cole and a karaoke machine for Reagan. It was a little overwhelming for Cole to open his presents, but Reagan helped him and we were able to get dressed and head out the door to start our day.

We headed to Grandma and Grandpa's house for the usual quiche, fruit soup and tea ring for brunch. The kids had a fun time playing with their cousins. We had a relaxing visit and Reagan opened her little barn animals from Grandma and Grandpa and Cole opened his MagnaDoodle. Both were pretty excited!

We also took a little time to break in Mommy's present - a Smith and Wesson 9MM M&P Shield. Although I've shot a 22 and a shot gun, I've never shot a handgun. Needless to say I did pretty well - I hit 5 out of the first 7 shots that I took. Not bad! Daddy was practicing using his new toy - a Ruger 9MM handgun. Uncle Mark, Grandpa, Jordan, Timothy and Robert also joined in the fun.

In the afternoon we went to Nana and Pop's house to visit with the Bischoff cousins. Reagan and Cole had a blast opening all their presents and playing with their cousins. With all 10 cousins it was a lot of fun! I love seeing how well they all play together and how much fun they have. If only we got to see everyone more often! It seems like just yesterday they were all babies.

I've been lucky enough to have some time off between contracts and Johnny was able to take two days off last week and two days off this week. Reagan and Cole have been so excited and finally understand what a "vacation" is! Although they've both talked about school and miss their friends, they have enjoyed the extra time with Daddy and not having a schedule. We even went to see the new Disney movie this week - Frozen. It was excellent!

We also went to the Bull Run Festival of Lights for the first time this year. Although the kids liked driving through the lights, the big excitement was the carnival, camel ride and roasting marshmallows. It was an unusually warm night so it was really nice. This was a first time riding a camel for me and for the kids. I have no idea how uncomfortable it would be! But the kids had blast and Cole even snuck a kiss from Eli after our ride. We are definitely all off our schedules from sleeping later than usual and staying up later than usual. None of us are looking forward to trying to get back on track on Thursday but the memories are all worth it!
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