It was GREAT to get away for a family vacation this week to Williamsburg, VA. We left Sunday for a nice and relaxing trip to swim at the Kingsmill Resort pool, take a day trip to the beach, visit Busch Gardens and the water park and do a little golfing, tennis and outlet shopping.

We started our vacation Sunday with a trip to see the release of the new Disney Fire Rescue Planes movie. Unfortunately we were sitting in the first row of the upper section and Cole fell about 3 feet through handicap seating area which resulted in a trip to Emergency Room and four stitches on his chin. And of course with any good laceration, it should remain DRY to prevent increasing the risk for infection. So just like that our relaxing vacation went Bischoff style and we adapted and made the most of it….kitty whiskers and all.

On Monday we kept it a low key day with a trip to the Williamsburg Outlets to look at Fall school clothes and visiting Colonial Williamsburg. Neither of us had been to Williamsburg in several years so it was fun to walk around town and see the colonial setting. Even though the kids were a little too young to appreciate the historic elements of the town, they enjoyed lunch at a local tavern and loved playing their new harmonicas! After shopping and site seeing we visited our friends Rick and Lauren Opett for dinner.

Tuesday we went to Busch Gardens and met up with Johnny sister, Vicki, her family and niece Rebecca. Although it was a very hot and humid day, we had a great time riding rides and playing games.

Wednesday we visited the outlets again and spent the afternoon golfing. It was the first time we had taken the kids out on a course and they loved it! Cole was definitely more focused on throwing the ball than truly playing golf, but Reagan really got into the game! That night she woke up in the middle of the night and said, "Mom, I LOVE golf". Sounds like we have more golf in our future!!

Thursday we woke up and headed home in the pouring rain. We were sad the vacation seemed to end so fast, but we needed to head home to get Cole's stitches out on Friday, go to a Billy Joel concert on Saturday and we were headed to UVA constraint therapy on Sunday! Charlottesville here we come!
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