Cole was back to see Dr. Lavenstein in May and that went very well. He was impressed that Cole knows his planets although Cole was frustrated with himself that he forgot one the first time he recited them (and truthfully he was able to do this a year ago). Boring appointments are good ones. Dr. Lavenstein did reach out to a colleague in OH to see if he knew the nystagmus surgeon we are on a wait list to see and he actually takes his child to him. So it was nice to get another confirmation that this surgeon, Dr. Mertle, is reputable.
In addition to neurology, we had Cole's annual IEP meeting at the school. Unfortunately we lost his Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI) last month because she is moving so we are breaking in a new one. So far Valerie seems very good. She met with one of the kindergarten teachers and got some worksheets in preparation for next year. She has been working with Cole to complete them 1) with his CCTV 2) at 120% magnification on paper and 3) at 150% magnification on paper. He is doing pretty well completing the worksheets but so far we are not certain if the CCTV helps. It will definitely take practice to learn to look at the screen while writing below the screen so it's possible over time we will see improved precision. I have confirmation that I can bring it home for the summer so the good news is that his TVI is pulling together worksheets for us to use over the summer. We also have confirmation that he will have full day kindergarten since he will qualify as special needs. We look forward to seeing how next year goes! We know he's ready!
As many of you may remember, this is the big year of Reagan's eligibility determination. She completed the testing and I sat through an eligibility meeting where everyone involved in the testing presented their results. I have been worried about this meeting for over a year because there was a risk that the team would determine she doesn't need the IEP and that a 504 could suffice. The difference is that a 504 provides necessary modifications (such as adaptations in PE) but does not include goals. As with so many experiences, my feelings were torn when I was told that the team felt she should continue with the IEP and she was found eligible for services. Unfortunately she fell below average in several areas which they felt could be assisted with setting goals. She will keep her eligibility status now for 3 more years. After the eligibility meeting we then had an IEP meeting to determine her goals and services. It was determined by the team that she will drop back from PT services to PT consult only. She was also reduced to 20 minutes of weekly OT and maintained her 30 min of resource support in the classroom. Although I am pleased that she will receive the support she needs, it's still discouraging that she needs support at all. But that's how the cookie crumbles and we're glad she will be tracked closely.

I am so happy to see both kids making progress. I feel like I know you and your family so well through your posts. Keep up the great work! You two are super parents.