Another peace of mind comes from knowing the bus drivers. Mr. Bob and Ms. Miko have been driving the kids for several years. For many years we have had different drivers in the morning and the afternoon. This year we also have Mr. Rick and Mr. Dick who come in the morning. Truly wonderful people who offer to transport the most fragile of Loudoun's children. Many days they have a pretty tough job. Not only did they get Cole a Christmas present, they also got him this adorable end of year present! It's a McDonald's gift card and a Finding Dory book with ocean scenes and fish characters so you can make your own skits in the ocean.

We are excited about summer although when I asked
Reagan she said, "I'm excited about not having to wake up early, but I'm
going to miss Mrs. Kee." I would say that's a huge tribute to her
teacher! It's wonderful to hear. I look forward to posting many
pictures this summer that are NON medically related. Praying we have a
smoother summer than last year (Cole was admitted) and so far we are off to a
good start! We only have one doctor's appointment in July so I call that
a huge success! We also found out we were able to secure a 4pm therapy
slot for Fall (in an earlier post I mentioned his OT left so we were back on
the waiting list for an afternoon slot). This is great news since Reagan
is still on a waiting list for that slot since last June.
Unfortunately we did find out we are not able to get onto the surgery schedule at Akron Children's for Cole's Nystagmus surgery (this is a video link that explains the surgery) in August since the surgeon only has one day of surgeries scheduled and there isn't room for Cole. That means his evaluation will be September 7th with surgery on the 8th and discharge on the 9th. This brings great anxiety for me since it means he will miss the second week of school. I recognize it's "just kindergarten" but I also think this is when kids start learning routine and expectations. Unfortunately we don't have another choice. The next big question will be whether we take Reagan. Although I may be able find someone to watch her and get her to/from school, I am worried she will want to be there with Cole. She always gets very concerned when he is sick so it will be a hard decision. It was really hard last summer when he was admitted into the hospital and she had to go to therapy. It's very cute watching her take care of him and help him. We plan to get through the summer and make that decision once we were closer to the date. Until then, summer here we come!
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