We also met with the Occupational Therapist with Loudoun County today to evaluate Cole's need for OT services next year. This is the third of three interviews. The first was the intake appointment with Child Find and the second was Cole's vision assessment. Although the therapist was not able to conclusively commit to providing services, she did say that she felt he could benefit from services.
After the OT evaluation I had a meeting with Reagan's teacher and vice principal to review her Individual Education Plan (IEP). We confirmed that we will send Reagan to Compass School next year instead of sending her to Potowmack Elementary. She will continue this year with her current services. After some negotiations, it was determine that next year she will receive 30 minutes of OT each week, 15 minutes of PT each week (I will take her to the school for these services) and 30 minutes of resource support at Compass each week. The resource teacher will work with her in the classroom and work with the Compass teachers to ensure they are able to accommodate for her special needs and encourage her appropriately with tasks that are difficult for her.

We have a great team and are exited to share the 2013 shirt design in just a few weeks! KeCoRe LLC is also staying very busy with a contract extension with Comcast and a new contract with Boeing to develop an executive forum. I will be headed to Chicago Sunday for project kickoff meeting all week.

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