This month we also had Cole's eligibility meeting with Loudoun County Public Schools. After the initial appointment and all the individual evaluations, we met to hear a recap from everyone who evaluated Cole to determine if he needs services. I find these appointments cause such an internal struggle for me. I go to the appointment having prepared like it is an interview. And yet I am the customer right? So why am I the one who is nervous? As a parent, you sit and listen to each specialist walk through their assessment and list all the challenges that your child faces. One by one they vote whether your child is challenged enough to require support. And although you are there because you want him to be eligible for services, it's truly heartbreaking to hear one person after another pointing out all his faults. The tears welled in my eyes as I was reminded of the uphill battle he will face in school, and yet all I could think about was how far he has come. How much he has overcome already. And how lucky we are to even be able to consider sending him to a special needs program at all. I know we are blessed to have such a strong little fighter in our family, but it's still hard to hear your "case" and realize this team reviews so many of these that for some of them this is merely another check box and stamp on his paper. So the next step in the process is to have his Individual Education Plan written to determine what services he is eligible for. Our IEP review meeting is May 28th and we will then know what to expect for him next year.
This month I was also asked to participate in a video with Comcast News Channel 28 out of Reston. House of Representatives Delegate Plum held an interview with Dr. Baker from INOVA Children's Hospital and me to talk about prematurity and how funding from the March of Dimes helps babies be born healthier. The video will be broadcast the first week of June.

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