In addition to having a birthday, Cole also had his 5 year check-up. Luckily there were no shots because I let him get him get the flu mist instead of the shot this year. He was very excited about that! Overall his appointment went well. He has grown over 3" this year! He is finally at the 25th percentile
and we are very happy to see an increase in his growth rate above where he has been since birth. Hopefully this trend will continue! And hopefully no more pediatrician until his 6 year check up!
It really is amazing when you look at how far he has come! I am so proud of how hard he has worked to get where he is today. He will always live with the affects of prematurity, but he doesn't know life any other way. I can't wait to see where the next 5 years takes him! So proud of him. And I know his special angel in Heaven is dancing on her birthday and celebrating with all the amazing people there. It is difficult wondering what she would be like, and how different our family would be, but one day we will be reunited again. Until then, we will focus on our successes, take life one day at a time, and look forward to the years head.
and we are very happy to see an increase in his growth rate above where he has been since birth. Hopefully this trend will continue! And hopefully no more pediatrician until his 6 year check up!
It really is amazing when you look at how far he has come! I am so proud of how hard he has worked to get where he is today. He will always live with the affects of prematurity, but he doesn't know life any other way. I can't wait to see where the next 5 years takes him! So proud of him. And I know his special angel in Heaven is dancing on her birthday and celebrating with all the amazing people there. It is difficult wondering what she would be like, and how different our family would be, but one day we will be reunited again. Until then, we will focus on our successes, take life one day at a time, and look forward to the years head.

Reagan was a really good sport about the casting although I'm not sure how long that will last when she finds out she needs to wear it to bed. I can't image that will be comfortable. The goal will be to slowly increase the angle of her foot to get it into less than 90 degrees. Imagine standing flat footed and raising your foot off the ground so only your heel is on the ground. She is unable to do this at all. Do you have any idea how much your toes are involved in wearing flip flops? This is also something very difficult for Reagan because she can't wiggle her left toes. And although this doesn't sound like a big deal, the tightness increases over time when the muscle isn't used correctly. Ultimately it is causing her to trip more over her toe (because she doesn't lift it when she's walking/running). You will notice in the picture that Gary used the saw to take off the cast. This was a first for Reagan and she did great!
It's off to the endocrinologist today for the much anticipated appointment that we made 5 months ago. Prayers for an anticlimactic appointment where she says, "that's no big deal...come back in a year and we'll see if anything has changed." Although I'm preparing for, "we need to do blood work, follow up in 3 months and she needs to start taking medication to control this." I would LOVE to be wrong!
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