Cole was also able to FINALLY get in to see a Developmental Pediatrician. After 4 phone calls and 6 months of waiting someone finally called back and offered an appointment two days later! We saw Dr. Calbert from Children's National Medical Center and I really liked her approach. She asked a LOT of questions and completed a few evaluations with Cole. I think my favorite was when she asked what the picture of a lower case t was and he said, "That's a cross, it's where Jesus hangs."
Unfortunately after 2 weeks of constipation and Mirilax every other day for 10 days the medicine started working during the appointment and he was very uncomfortable and crying most for most of it. Can't blame the poor kid! We talked for a long time and I provided a family history. Unfortunately she said he shows all the classic signs of ADHD. She provided some recommendations for how to work with him and asked that we come back in 4-6 months. Dr. Calbert's office books out 6 months and unfortunately there were no available appointments. I was told they are working to clear her schedule since they hired a new doctor and recommended I call back next week. Let's hope we can get back in to see her!
I find my feelings about this diagnosis very interesting….so much like my response to seizures before I had a child with them. I would think, "they don't hurt you so what's the big deal?" Or glasses, "everyone has glasses, so what?" But until you face the reality of how it changes your life you don't really look past the surface. So many kids are diagnosed with ADHD that it feels somewhat "normal," but as a mom, I realize this means he will face more struggles in learning than most kids…on top of the other challenges that he is already facing. And although we will take this head on like everything else, it does kinda make me say, "Seriously? More? Enough is enough." So I will be doing some research and talking to people who know people and get as many recommendations as we can. Luckily these waters have been charted by many before us so there will be guidance and understanding that we don't necessarily have with some of the other challenges.
Luckily we don't have another scheduled doctor's appointment until February! Wow, it feels like a vacation! So given I don't have THAT to write about, and given the kids have been cracking me up lately with their wit, I decided to start sharing some of the witty comments. Here are a few to catch us up….
Cole recently asked if I would play "the me song". I was slightly confused and he pointed to his penguin from Build-A-Bear that we got last Christmas that plays Frosty the Snowman. He proceeded to sing, "Frosty the Snowman was a jolly happy soul. With a corn cob pipe and a button nose and two eyes made out of ME!"
Cole was recently invited to a birthday party for a classmate. A pregnant mom looked at him and said, "Well you are sure a big boy." And Cole responded, "Not as big as you!" Luckily he gave her a big smile of approval and she wasn't offended.

Reagan begged to have an allowance and we told her she needed to earn money just like mommy and daddy have to do so now she has chores that she is expected to do at home. So we talked about options and she is required to make her bed, clean her room and clean the leaves that have dropped from the tree in the family room (starting light). Last Friday she asked for her allowance and I told her she needed to clean up the leaves before I would give her the allowance. She told me she didn't feel like it so I told her she wouldn't be getting her allowance. The next day as we got ready to go to the store she asked for her allowance so she could buy something. I reminded her that she wouldn't be getting it since she didn't do all her chores. When she said she would do it now I told her I had already cleaned up the leaves so it was too late. She looked at me rather annoyed, went to get the broom and dust pan, walked over to the tree, shook it and proceeded to clean up the new leaves that fell. After dumping the leaves in the trash and hanging up the broom she asked if she could have her allowance. After feeling rather conflicted as to whether I should encourage this procrastination I decided her creativity in creating work and therefore creating money was rather ingenious and I gave it to her. However, I think this will probably only work once :-)
More to come I'm sure!