We had a low key day today. We drove down and stopped at Panera for lunch since our hotel room wasn't ready for check-in yet. Then we were off to the hospital by 1pm. Reagan has another fun day playing with Ms. Ruth. They played games, did Yoga and built a fort…one of Reagan's absolute favorite activities. As with everything, it's all about the process of getting everything out, getting it setup, playing with it and then breaking everything down to put it away. Today was no different! Ruth said she definitely is seeing increased strength in Reagan's left hand which is great news! You can also see "big fingers" (aka placing all fingers straight out) is becoming much more common without prompting.

After therapy I got suckered into ANOTHER trip to Build A Bear for Summer, Princess Aurora's kitty cat and then treated everyone to a new adventure. FONDUE! We went to the Melting Pot and had a lot of fun trying new things. And although we were all tired, it was a good time and it always ends well when they bring out the chocolate. Although the bribe was that all dipping would be done with lefty, I quickly realized that was WAY too complicated so we compromised by having "weight bearing" on lefty on the table as she reached into the pot with her skewer. The smile says it all - strawberries and chocolate were Reagan's favorite! And although Cole was entertained by the sharp sticks and banging them, he didn't really take to fondue like I had hoped. But hey, it's all about adventures right?!
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