As with golf, I think people should get a mulligan when they have a bad day so they can have a do-over. Week two is well under way and starting out horribly. We actually got to Charlottesville earlier than expected so our room wasn't ready. We made the most of it and sat in the car until it was time for therapy. Both Cole and Reagan had therapy today at 11:30am although Cole only had an hour and Reagan had 2.5 hours.

Cole skipped away happily to therapy and Reagan started out really well. She started with yoga and had a lot of fun guessing the pose from the riddle on the cards. She does yoga at therapy at home too so they were very familiar to her. The focus is to get her to keep her heels on the ground (stretch her tight gastroc muscle) and to get all her fingers extended flat. After yoga she grabbed her lunch box but struggled to be able to hold it because it was too heavy. Honestly I think she was overly hungry, but a complete meltdown ensued and I had to leave with her in full tears. I should consider it a win that it took until Day 4 to produce tears, but it never gets easier seeing her struggle. She also worked on opening doors, using the railings, and several other games that they played after I left.

After Cole was done with his session Emily and I had a quick lunch and went to check into the hotel before we needed to be back at the hospital to get Reagan at 2pm. As I took the cart to the car to get our luggage I BARELY tapped the side view mirror of the car next to mine and it snapped off completely. I felt horrible even though it was probably a 20 year old car and left my number so I could pay for the damages. After unloading our bags we got to the room and realized Cole pooped all over his stroller on the walk back from lunch and I ended up having to throw away the stroller.

We got back to the hospital in time to get Reagan and hurried to Monticello before it closed. This was Thomas Jefferson's home and is located about 20 minutes outside of Charlottesville. We had a great time walking around the grounds and did amazingly well given we had two tired kids and only one stroller. Although very tired, we tried to continue the two handed activities during our tour. The one shown in the picture was the underground pulley system where the slaves would send wine directly up through the ceiling/floor into the parlor since it was stored underground to keep it cool. Nice!

After a quick dinner it was time to get back to the hotel, get baths and get to bed. And as if we needed more drama, Cole then fell off the bed head first. After a complete meltdown because he hit is head…and a complete meltdown because she felt horrible she accidentally pushed him off the bed…we were able to get everyone settled and slumber took over.
Overall we had a productive day of therapy…but I really appreciate two sleeping children right about now and hope for a full night's rest to get us ready for another day tomorrow!
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