We had a relaxing morning since Cole started therapy at 11am. Cole spent more time cutting and playing games. Unfortunately Mr. Alan said he was much more distractible today, but they had a good session regardless. After his therapy he and I came back to the hotel room and had a quick lunch with Reagan and Emily before heading back to the hospital at 1pm for Reagan's therapy. It was SO nice having Emily here again this week so I was able to take just one at a time to their appointments. Reagan spent more time building forts and making a "cranky." She started the construction yesterday by painting the box, sprinkling Pixie dust, cutting the story paper and drawing the story of Tinkerbell's Adventure.

Well it was bound to happen eventually. She had a tough day at therapy. Unfortunately she struggled a little more and left extremely cranky….no pun intended. You would think being without the splint would make this week EASIER, but Ms. Sue said she was really pushing Reagan today. For example, if she picked anything up without the wrist extension she would make her put it down and try again.
Today she rolled the story paper onto sticks and inserted them into the box to CRANK the story. What a cute idea! Reagan even made a little handle on the left side to hold with her left hand! She's very proud of her "cranky" and can't WAIT to read the story to her grand parents and show them how the story unravels as you crank the sticks.

After therapy today we decided to take a trip to get Kohr's Bros Frozen Custard. It was amazing! Unfortunately Cole slept through the entire visit including the ice cream AND the carousel! But he was super cranky too so he needed the rest. After ice cream we took the kids to the Fashion Square Mall to play at the indoor playground. They played, met a bunch of new friends, we had dinner, and headed back to the hotel in a pouring down rain storm to get to bed and do it all again tomorrow! As hard as this day was, I was the lucky mom who got to put two kids to bed who were all smiles after bath time. And those smiles are what make everything all better….
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